“Mommy, tomorrow I have an oral exam, and the question `who made you?`What should I say?”asked little Johnny.
“God made you, dear,” replied his mother.
The next day, Little Johnny forgot what his mother had said. So, he explained, “Teacher, until yesterday I was sure it was my Daddy who made me, but then Mommy said it was someone else... and I can`t remember the guy`s name.”
“엄마, 내일 `누가 너를 만들었냐?`라는 질문으로 구술시험을 보는데, 뭐라 답해야 되죠?”어린 쟈니가 묻자 엄마는 “신이 만들었단다”고 답했다.
다음 날 엄마가 말해 준 것을 까먹은 쟈니 왈, “선생님, 지금까지 저는 아빠가 저를 만들었다고 알고 있었는데, 엄마는 어제 다른 누구에 대해 말했습니다…그런데 그 남자 이름을 기억하지 못하겠어요.”
<홍병문기자 hbm@sed.co.kr>