One day, after a man had his annual physical, the doctor came out and said, “You had a great check up. Is there anything that you`d like to ask me?” “I was thinking about getting a vasectomy.” “That`s a pretty big decision. Have you talked it over with your family?” “Yeah, and they`re in favor 15 to 2.”
어느날 한 남자의 정기 검진이 끝난 뒤 의사가 물었다. “진단결과는 좋군요. 저한테 물어볼 사항이 있으신가요?” “정관수술을 하고 싶은데요.” “그건 상당히 중요한 결정인데, 혹시 가족과 상의해 보셨나요?” “네, 가족들은 15대 2로 찬성했어요.”