A minister was opening a letter. Only one word was written on it. “FOOL” The next Sunday he announced, “I saw many people who have written letters and forgot to sign their name. But this week I received a letter from someone who signed his name and had forgotten to write a letter.”
목사가 편지를 뜯었다. 거기에는 “바보”라는 단어 하나만 씌여 있었다. 다음주 일요일 목사는 “저는 여태껏 자기 이름을 잊어버리고 안 쓴 편지를 많이 받아봤습니다. 그런데 이번주에는 자기 이름만 쓰고 내용을 안 쓴 편지가 왔더군요”라고 말했다.