Little Emily was complaining to her mother that her stomach hurt. Her mother replied, "That's because it's empty. Maybe you should try putting something in it."
The next day, the pastor was over at Emily's family's house for lunch. He mentioned having his head hurt, to which Emily immediately replied, "That's because it's empty. Maybe you should try putting something in it."
꼬마 에밀리가 엄마에게 배가 아프다고 투덜거렸다. 그러자 엄마가 말했다. "그건 배가 비어 있어서 그런 거야. 뱃속에 뭘 좀 채워 넣어야겠다."
다음날 목사님이 에밀리네 집에 와서 식구들과 함께 점심식사를 하던 중 머리가 아프다는 말을 했다. 그러자 에밀리가 재빨리 답했다. "그건 머리가 비어 있어서 그런 거예요. 뭘 좀 채워 넣으셔야겠어요."