A tightwad was looking for a gift to give a friend. Everything was too expensive except for a glass vase that had been broken and he could purchase it for almost nothing. He asked the store to send it hoping his friend would think it had been broken in transit. In due time he received a note: "thanks for the vase," it read. "It was so thoughtful Of you to wrap each piece separately." 한 구두쇠가 친구에게 줄 선물을 고르고 있었다. 모든 게 비싸게 느껴진 구두쇠는 깨진 유리 꽃병을 골랐고, 거의 공짜로 샀다. 구두쇠는 상점 직원에게 '배송 중에 깨진 것처럼 포장해달라'고 주문했다. 얼마간 시간이 지나고 친구로부터 연락이 날아들었다. "꽃병 고마워. 깨진 조각 하나하나를 따로 포장해서 보내주다니 참 사려가 깊군."