A travelling salesman was passing through a small town in the West when he saw a little old man sitting in a rocking chair on the stoop of his house. The little old man looked so contented that the salesman couldn't resist going over and talking to him. "You look as if you don't have a care in the world," the salesman told him. "What is your formula for a long and happy life?" "Well," replied the little old man, "I smoke six packs of cigarettes a day, I drink a quart of bourbon every four hours and six cases of beer a week. I never wash and I go out every night." "My goodness," exclaimed the salesman, "that's just great! How old are you?" "Twenty-five," was the reply. 세일즈맨이 한 소도시를 지나쳐가던 중에 집앞 흔들의자에 앉아있는 노인을 보았다. 세일즈맨은 노인이 너무나도 행복해 보이길래 다가가서 물었다. "세상 일이야 어쨌든 즐거워 죽겠다는 표정이시네요. 행복의 비결이 뭔가요?" 노인이 말했다. "난 하루에 담배 6갑을 피우고, 4시간에 버번 위스키 1리터씩을 들이킨다오. 맥주도 일주일에 6상자씩 마음껏 마시고, 씻지도 않고 매일 저녁 놀러 다니지." 놀란 세일즈맨이 말했다. "그것 참 대단하군요! 연세가 어떻게 되십니까?" 노인이 답했다. "스물 다섯 살이오."