After the end of the war, a young female reporter was assigned to write an article about the solder' home - coming. "When you came home, what was the first thing you did?" she asked a young man. "I had sex with my wife," the man said bluntly.
The journalist went crimson, and tried desperately to change the subject. "What did you do after that?" "I had sex with her again," he answered. The journalist turned even more red. "What did you do when you finished that?" "Then I unstrapped my backpack."
전쟁이 끝나면서 젊은 여기자에게 귀국한 군인들에 관해 기사를 쓰라는 과제가 떨어졌다. "집에 돌아와서 가장 먼저 한일은 무엇인가요?"하고 한 청년에게 물었다. "마누라하고 한판 했죠"라고 그는 퉁명스럽게 대답했다.
홍당무가 된 기자는 화제를 바꾸려고 했다. "그러곤 뭘 했죠?" "한판 더 했어요"라고 그는 대답했다. 기자는 더욱 얼굴을 붉히면서 "그걸 끝내고는 뭘 했어요?"하고 물었다. "배낭을 벗어 놓았죠."