[사진]日가고시마 사쿠라지마 활화산 분화…최고수준 경계
입력2022.07.25 18:08:45
2022.07.25 18:08:45
epa10090465 A surveillance camera image from the Osumi National Highway Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport shows the eruption of the Sakurajima volcano in Kagosima, southwestern Japan, 24 July 2022 (issued 25 July 2022). The Japan Meteorological Agency said on 24 July it raised the alert to highest level of the five from the three on the five level scale after the eruption. EPA/Osumi National Highway Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, JAPAN OUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/일본 규슈섬 남쪽 가고시마현에 있는 활화산 사쿠라지마가 24일 분화하는 모습을 담은 감시 카메라 캡처 사진. 일본 기상청은 분출된 돌이 2.5㎞까지 날아갔다면서 경계 수준을 가장 높은 ‘피난(레벨5)’으로 올렸다. EPA연합뉴스
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