"That damned wife of mine is a liar!" said the irate husband to his friend. "How do you know?" the friend asked. "Because she said she spent the night with her sister Mary," exclaimed the husband. "So what?" the friend wanted to know. "I was the one who spent the night with Mary," explained the man.
"망할 놈의 여편네, 나한테 거짓말을 하다니!" 남편이 성을 내며 말했다. "그걸 어떻게 알았지?" 친구가 물었다. "처제인 메리와 함께 밤을 보냈다잖아." 남편이 언성을 높였다.
"그게 어쨌다는 건가?" "메리와 함께 밤을 보낸 건 바로 나였단 말일세."