Tim: Sam, I hear you just got married for the fourth time. What happened to your first three wives?
Sam: They all died. My first and second wives ate poison mushrooms.
Tim: And your third ate poison mushrooms too?
Sam: Oh, no. She died of a broken neck. She wouldn't eat the mushrooms.
팀: 샘, 자네 최근에 네번째 결혼을 했다면서? 먼저번 부인 세명은 어떻게 된거야?
샘: 다 죽었어. 첫번째랑 두번째 부인은 독버섯을 먹고 죽었지.
팀: 세번째 부인도 독버섯을 먹었나?
샘: 아니. 목이 부러져서 죽었어. 버섯을 안먹으려고 하잖아